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    I just read Regina's chapter in this wonderful anthology and was touched by her story, her bravery in sharing it, and the take-aways for my own life. Definitely worth the read.

    Connie Horn

    Colorado Springs CO

    What you get in this free chapter:

    In 2010 I read the book by Lee Gerdes, LIMITLESS YOU; The Infinite Possibilities of a Balanced Brain, and knew I had discovered something quite extraordinary. In 2011, I had my own transformative experience of Brainwave Optimization and shortly thereafter I took the leap and became a licensed Provider for Brain State Technologies.

    This free chapter from the anthology "Ready to Fly" is my story and why I do the work I do now for other people.

    Just enter your name and email in the form above and click "download" for instant access.



    Quotes from . . .

    The Girl in the Glass

    Lessons along the way…

    “ I would get overwhelmed emotionally and it didn’t matter that I knew better, I was not able to do better. I was bringing everything I had to the table and falling way short.”

    “As long as I continued to be at war with myself, I would never experience the inner peace I craved so deeply.”

    “I’ve spent most of my life being a cheerleader for others, both on the field and off. I’m only recently waking up to the idea that there is someone very important I have neglected to cheer for… ME!”